- Moskva
- CHelyabinsk
- Ekaterinburg
- Novosibirsk
- Sankt-Peterburg
Floral motifs in the interior, in the wallpaper are always relevant. We were inspired by the idea to make a beautiful, thin, perfectly designed blooming decorative orange tree. This is how the AMELI collection appeared. The flowers are fragrant, attracting beautiful butterflies-the highlights of the design. The collection used "Italian" technique of execution, the most detailed study of embossing, hand embroidery of the motif, rich structural background-plaster. There is a lot of air in this design, the tree is freely located along the entire width of the meter roll. Also, due to the fact that the twigs grow upwards, the optical effect works well, which makes it visually higher. Interiors filled with floral notes and additions in shades of green not only look good, but can also positively affect our mood, especially in winter. Hot-embossed non-woven wallpaper, size 1.06*10.05m.
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